
Project Overview
Studying Philosophy in university changed the way I see the world and how I approach life; it has made me more logical, curious, innovative, hopeful, and attuned to solving problems.
What I learned
My main takeaway from studying philosophy was learning to question. I learned that there is so much I do not know. More importantly, I learned to not be afraid to question and to express the unknown, because it can create a space for collaboration in which solutions can be discovered.
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Interdisciplinary project in neuroscience

Created for course; "An Interdisciplinary approach to Sex, Gender and Sexuality" hosted by the neuroscience department in King's College London
Project Overview
For this interdisciplinary course hosted by my universities neuroscience department, we worked in teams to create a group presentation and a reflective portfolio, which I have linked below. The most interesting because I had the opportunity to learn from professors from different departments who would give weekly guest lectures. My peers and team members were also all from different departments, ranging from anatomy to computer science, which gave me a really interesting insight into interdisciplinary collaboration.
What I learned
I learned that there are so many different ways to approach one problem, and that it is so beneficial to consider other people's perspectives, because everyone carries so much transitive knowledge. Taking this course was such a great opportunity for me to contribute my philosophical knowledge and skillset to advance the aims of a group project. I learned that others greatly value my philosophical knowledge and that they want me working in their teams and on their research, because I add a very unique perspective. It was validating to succeed in this course with such a high grade, and it motivated me to continue pursuing more STEM related research.
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